We want to base a contest on YOUR Envato Market content
In an effort to better help our authors promote their work and simultaneously allow customers to discover great content and experiment using different kinds of content, we want to give away one of your items for free and create a contest around it. But we need you to opt-in with individual items!
What we’re looking for
We’re looking for high quality and potentially customizable content from the GraphicRiver Photoshop AddOns category.
How we’ll use your item
By signing-up to participate (and if we select your item), we will begin by contacting you to confirm we’ll be using your work and to outline the event/contest. We will then:
- Give your item away for free on Envato Market for a very limited period depending on the contest. This will typically be between 2-4 weeks.
- We will provide prize money to the contestants/winners of the contest on your behalf at no expense to you!
- We will create and oversee a contest either in our forums and/or blog to promote your item, the free item giveaway, and the contest.
- We may promote you and your item(s) in our forums and/or our blog and/or social media and/or via tailored marketing e-mails to customers.
- We typically allow you to help judge and select the winners of the event.
- We may continue to promote your item/portfolio after the event has concluded in the form of blog posts, videos, social media etc…
- We will return your item to the previous/normal item price you set and will remove the free download option/button at the end of the free giveaway period.
Examples of similar contests we’ve previously run
- Movie Poster Contest by LiveAtTheBBQ
- Photoshop Action Contest by SevenStyles
- Abstract Low Poly Contest by Lil_Bro
How this benefits our community
There are numerous benefits for both authors and customers in these types of contests, including:
- Exposing great items
- Exposing great authors
- Customers get an opportunity to experiment and create with content they may (or may not) have previously used
- It may encourage customers to purchase future content by you
- It may encourage customers to purchase future content from the category you sell in
How do I sign-up?
Please complete our form below.
You may submit a maximum of three items from the GraphicRiver Photoshop AddOns category and we will be focusing on high quality submissions so please choose wisely from your portfolio!
Anything else I should know?
In an ever-growing library with limited time and space to feature everyone’s great work, this is an incredible opportunity to put you and your work in the spotlight! Sign up today and we’ll be in touch in the near future when we start to schedule future contests.
See more FAQs on our separate page.
The sign-up form will remain open indefinitely until further notice so please keep your nominations coming in. We will post updates if we add new content/categories we’re looking for.
We’re looking forward to seeing the items you would like us to create events around, launching those events, seeing what customers create, and helping to promote you and your work!