We reach the Power Elite Author Status! 1 mil!

Hey there!

After 5 years selling themes on the Envato marketplace, I reached the Power Elite Author status!
I didn’t even think it was possible back in the days and now it’s real!

Here are 3 tips to help fellow authors building cool themes:

  • Love what you’re doing. Enjoy your work and remember why you like it when you have a bad day.
  • Work hard but work smart. Spend times developing tools to improve your workflow. It will save your time later. Think ahead: how you can create a feature that you will be able to re-use for something else later.
  • Don’t reinvent the wheel! Plain and simple. I made this mistake myself and I lost time and money. If something already exists, there is no need to re-do it. Use it as is.

Hire someone to help you with support as soon as you can so you don’t have to half of the day to it. Be innovative and take the best for reference.

I hope it will help! :slight_smile:


Congratulations @Wolf-Themes :tada: great achievement :slight_smile:

Congratulation @Wolf-Themes party time for you guys :slight_smile:

@Wolf-Themes Wow, so you’re a soloist? Genius!
So it’s time for a break and then …fight more and more as you are one of the leading guys here. :slight_smile:

Amazing! I’m one of your buyers and use it for my website. Congrats for being a power elite :smile:

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Thank you all for your support! :blush: This is much appreciated!