Upload Problem :WordPress Theme is required WordPress

We’re trying to upload a wordpress theme which is passed Envato Theme Check Plugin’s requirements. We are sure about selecting true .zip while which is theme-name-Wordpress.zip and there is a folder in it theme-name.

Main Folder (Zip)

  • Documentation
  • theme-name-Wordpress.zip



         *       index.php
         *       screenshot.png
         *       style.css... etc.

After uploading Envato is giving us that error:
“WordPress Theme is required WordPress Theme Unable to parse comment headers”
How can we solve this problem?

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okay sorry for my mistake! you can follow this article to submission item into themeforest

Still facing same issue then you can open Envato Author Help Ticket they would like to assist you.


Thanks for your reply. But I’m in a theme developing team and I’m not trying to install my wordpress theme. I’m trying to send my theme to Envato.


your upload should be in this format in Main Folder (Zip) https://prnt.sc/nsqkcm
I have used mgstheme just a dummy name here. you can add documentation folder instead of only documentation.html


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Thanks, we solve problem with your suggestion.

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