
Not sure if this is where I should have this question, but nowhere that I could see to get an answer anywhere else. I LOVE all of my actions purchased from Envato although they do give me issues from time to time. I have just downloaded as suggested the update for Uniqum, and it will not work!!! I have tried everything. The specs on my image are correct, all is in order, and yet I keep getting those dreaded “The command select is not currently available” and every other error message you can think of. Is this action not compatible with PS 2017 ???

You need to ask the author of the action

And therein lies the problem. No idea where Profactions can be contacted. I did a search and found something on Twitter so tried that way. The “send message” on Envato just took me to a blank page when I hit send. Now, I do have many actions from Seven Styles and once I had a problem and it was simple to contact him and I got a surprisingly quick response with a very helpful solution. If I do not get a response from Profactions or find a better way of communicating with them, well - lesson learnt, and I won’t buy any more of their/his/her products.

You can contact any author using the form on the right of their profile.