There is an author, selling my (stolen) items at AJ :-)

Yes, totally agree, and am sorry if my message above was not clear. I never meant that sfx sound design is easy,… and I know it’s not, I am totally unable of doing such fx"s, the only times I tried I ridiculously failed :slight_smile:

No, in fact I just meant that it is nearly impossible when hearing an sfx to know if the author really created it, so a reviewer will not really be able to say if an sfx is stolen…

With music, I have the (maybe false) feeling that is is a bit easier because tracks are longer and you can more easily recognize some recurring sounds, arpeggio or rythmic patterns, styles. I have already heard songs here, and it immediately rang a bell… and I searched and searched and found that yes, another account had very similar music… well in fact, it was the same guy, but using another name :slight_smile:


Well said!

I must say I am impressed by what people can do using nice “binaural” mics to do field recordings.
I have used these from time to time as a background texture for my compositions. Vinyl surface noise is nice, but city rumble or forest ambience can be very nice too!!


Just like I’m totally unable to do the kind of Hip Hop/Lounge stuff that you do. Great job!


Not sure if you missed this bit of news, but now we can price our items how we want. :slight_smile:

But even without touching prices, the new system plays to our advantage (we get a little bit more for a basic 1$ sfx).

I raised the prices of maybe two third of my portfolio already (without going crazy) and my sales rhythm have stayed the same as before. So I have the feeling that Author-Driven-Prices could become a good thing for some sfx sellers. You might want to give it a shot and see if it works for you. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I missed it :slight_smile: I almost forgot about AJ in a last year. But I’d like to get back here, love this place.
Thanks, I’ll try it for sure :slight_smile:

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Come with me to ride some waves, and after that, some cold beers listening music, some good talking watching the sunset.
You are invited.


@Manriquedelara: Feels like a nice idea. :slight_smile:

Maybe someday I’ll be able to do that for real, who knows? Judging by a photo you posted recently, your surroundings looks terrific! But for now, beers and RadioManrique go well together, haha.

@2MD: Sorry for my off-topicness again. Last time I do this, I promise! Best of luck with your future here! :slight_smile:


Whatever you want! :wink:
The important thing is enjoy some good time!

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Thanks :blush:

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Glad things are ok now (sort of), but still i dont understand how did he acquired your items, did he bought them first and then re-uploaded ?

P.S. Wouldn’t be surprised if he downloaded a preview file and did a phase cancellation trick on a watermark as well.

That is an interesting question! There are ways to protect yourself if you wish… I guess there are tons of possible ways, the idea is that your watermark should be slightly (just a bit, so that it is audibly not different from the original) altered, this way the “remove aj watermark” tricks won’t work.

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I’m not sure. And I don’t think it’s very important. I’m working in the field of media content production for some time, and here is what I figured out: people working on serious projects, won’t use any free content, just for safety. The prices are too low, compared to budgets in this industry. And the opposite is true: people who are not intended to invest money, won’t buy anything. They aren’t our potential buyers. So, you don’t loose anything when someone steals your work, there wasn’t any potential revenue in this situation. So there is nothing to be lost.
But it’s completely different if someone’s sells your item’s :slight_smile: so in my case I was loosing. Anyway, everything resolved in a a good way. The guy turned out to be a nice person, not a thief.


I hope you get to the bottom of this as letting it slip will be detrimental to the whole of AJ in the long run. I just can’t understand a person not wanting to create their own sound/music. I certainly am like a dog with a bone if I find anyone stealing (and they have) my sounds. My hard work and imagination taken by some lazy ne’er-do-well makes my blood boil, especially when sales are harder to come by these days because more “artists” signing up here.

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You have a very kind heart. May God grant you health and a lot of a lot of sales!

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I think that you are incredibly lucky (there are few happy coincidences of circumstances). Congratulations! :sunglasses::sparkles:

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Ok, I should make a little confession here… Just to be honest with you. The guy sent me some money :slight_smile: Not much, but anyway. I won’t get any compensation if his account would be banned. And the guy could lost a portfolio worth of years of his work. The 3d models and motion graphic templates are really his work. So we figured out the best way for both of us, I think I’ts the smartest possible decision. But i really think he is a good guy, it was the reason why I even considered some kind of compromise. I realized this after viewing his facebook page. Now we’re almost friends :slight_smile: