ThemeForest Free File nominations: APR-JUN 2019

Please read the selection criteria carefully before submitting your nomination!

Use this thread to nominate one of your items to be used in a Free File promotion between April 1 and June 30, 2019. This may include our regular month-long “Free File of the Month” promotions, the monthly Free Wordpress Themes landing page, or other initiatives run by the Envato Marketing team.

Free files are a powerful motivator for bringing new customers into ThemeForest, and serve to showcase the quality of the rest of the marketplace. Items used in these campaigns receive a significant amount of exposure, which can flow on to more people viewing your profile, portfolio, and the other items you have for sale.

What’s the process?

In this thread, post a message with a link to your item (you must be logged in as the author of the item) and we’ll add it to the list.

  • The ThemeForest Free File of the Month for April, May and June will be selected from this list, promoted on the ThemeForest homepage and via email to our customers.
  • Three WordPress themes will also be selected each month for the Free WordPress Themes landing page - you can find out more about this SEO-based initiative here.
  • Other Free Files will be used in Envato Marketing campaigns and emails. These files are typically available as freebies for one week.
  • If your item is selected as a Free File, you’ll be notified via email with more details about the timing involved.

Who can nominate an item?

Only the creator of the item can nominate it for a Free File promotion. Simply put, you can ask and plead all you want, but unless the author of the item decides to nominate it, you won’t get anywhere :wink: Luckily, we’ve got a great community of authors who like to give!

Criteria for Selection

In order for a file to be considered as a Free File for any Marketplace, the item must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be the author of the file you’re submitting.
  • Only items that were first approved after January 1st, 2015 will be considered.
  • The file must be rated 4 stars or higher.
  • No item will be featured as a Free File of the Month more than once.

Please note: Nominations that do not meet these criteria will be removed from the thread.

What if I want to withdraw my nomination?

If you’ve changed your mind, simply flag your nomination comment and let us know that you want to withdraw your item from consideration. You are free to withdraw your nomination and/or offer a different item at any time.

Any other questions?

We will keep this thread clear of everything but the nominations themselves, so if you’ve got any related questions, please start your own forum thread, or drop us a line via Support.

Please note that free files will be chosen randomly from the items nominated in this thread that meet the selection criteria, and not the order in which they were submitted.