Good afternoon, I’m new to this.
I bought a template and I am configuring it in my notebook.
It is for a company the web that I am developing.
When I finish it, I will upload it to the company’s server.
How do I do with the license I bought it? I would like the client to receive updates and support if necessary.
i buy licence theme and active it with wrong domain (provided by my host server) and i deleted installation an reinstall in my real domain and now my licence not working in new installation.
how do deactivate old register ?
Thanks you
Hiya Charlie, I bought a Forest theme liscence, but I cannot seem to see on which site I am using it. Is there any way to see which domaine name is attributed which liscence number? On the actual site, none display the number…so I am confused (have 3 sites) and all three say that liscence is being used by another site? I need to purchase another, but need to know where the actual liscence is being used! Thank you