Theme license

Good afternoon, I’m new to this.
I bought a template and I am configuring it in my notebook.
It is for a company the web that I am developing.
When I finish it, I will upload it to the company’s server.
How do I do with the license I bought it? I would like the client to receive updates and support if necessary.

How do I have to do?
Thank you

Support and updates will only ever be directly available to the buyer (hence why it is always best to have client buy the items).

You can use the Envato Market plugin and create a token that allows for the updates to happen automatically at least.

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Thank you very much for the reply.
My doubt has been clarified.

i buy licence theme and active it with wrong domain (provided by my host server) and i deleted installation an reinstall in my real domain and now my licence not working in new installation.
how do deactivate old register ?
Thanks you

It depends on the theme in question and best to ask the author

Thank you

Hiya Charlie, I bought a Forest theme liscence, but I cannot seem to see on which site I am using it. Is there any way to see which domaine name is attributed which liscence number? On the actual site, none display the number…so I am confused (have 3 sites) and all three say that liscence is being used by another site? I need to purchase another, but need to know where the actual liscence is being used! Thank you

Your best option is to contact the author and ask them - noone else in the forums will be able to get that info.