The images are not showing , only default place holder images are showing while upolading the image in sliders and banners.
The code is realted to fashionhub saas from papon it solutions.
Probably the images are copyrighted and cannot be included to the demo, you’d need to replace those by yourself.
so the code is not the problem the image is ??
@ki-themes I tried but it still shows the placeholder images. The image is not getting uploaded but shows in vendor panel where there is no image
Just upload your own images
No man, it didn’t worked after I save and check again the image is not getting uploaded
You need to contact the author, as @ki-themes suggested.
The issue could be due to:
- Browser cache, server cache, or Cloudflare cache (if you’re using Cloudflare).
- Your server’s maximum file upload limit, as defined in your PHP configuration settings.
Please get in touch with us here (PI removed)
you need permission if you are using other images.