I have EE subscriptions. I’m interested in templates in Davinci Resolve. I want to use them for various films. What does license registration look like? What should I give? Can I continue to use this template after my subscription has expired?
Hello @Super71
Make sure you register a license for each video/film you make.
- Register items each time you use them: Each time you download an item, you get an ongoing license for a single, specified use. Want to use an item again? No problem! Visit your downloads and simply register it again for a different end use.
- Future proof licensing, even if you unsubscribe: If you unsubscribe, you can’t use items from Envato Elements anymore. But any existing uses that you registered are still covered. Now that’s peace of mind!
To explain this further, you cannot use a template you’ve downloaded after the subscription period is over, but the finished projects created using templates from Envato Elements are covered by the initial registration.
I hope I’ve answered your questions. For additional information feel free to check these articles about licenses on Envato Elements:
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