Slider revolution issues

We are using Slider Revolution for our new website, and we are having several issues. First, you can see what the website is supposed to look like with a (mostly working) slider via Google Chrome. Even on Chrome, sometimes the second and third slider never appear. Worse than that, on Internet Explorer(11,10,9) the video does not appear at all, and neither do the other slides at times. Can you help us resolve these issues as quickly as possible ? We would like to deploy this website next week and the Slider Revolution issues are the last problems we need to tackle before we can do that.

Hello @marketingmobilehealt

Thanks for purchase from envato market

You can contact author for quick help with site url and screenshots

Thanks :slight_smile:

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You can contact with Author @themepunch for Slider revolution issues:
WordPress Plugin
jquery plugin

With your purchase key Here

hope your issue will solved.

still have any question open a Envato Help Ticket


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