show/hide layer on hover of different layer


Your product is awesome - thank you for building it. I want to have a text layer appear/disappear when I hover over a different layer. In other words, I want an icon, which, when hovered over, reveals a text layer. A good example of what I am trying to do is - when you hover over the camera icon on the lower right of their slides, more info appears. I cant figure out how to make this happen. Is this possible? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much@

this is a general forum, you should be contacting the theme’s author.

Thanks for your reply. I am a little confused, as I thought Slider Revolution was a Code Canyon product. I can’t seem to find a more specific place to post this. Anyway you could point me in the right direction? Thanks again

Revolution Slider is a product of ThemePunch, it’s also the most popular slider out there, CodeCanyon is a marketplace for different authors. You can contact theme punch support here: