Sales down 70% from 2018 to 2023 !!! Terrible status! What do you think about the future?

In June i got 4 Sales, in which 3 were Sale reversals and 1 sale was geniune only, so i earned only around $26 in June which was way too less because of quality of sales

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If you get reversals it means someone is stealing your code and redistributing on GPL-free pirate websites.

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For all the information around the Sales Reversal process, please see our Help Centre.



This happened before on Studio. After the “worst” month of the earning, Envato came-up with an announcement that they are closing Studio. I was stating that it’s gonna happen the same thing with Marketplace, I believe this is Envato’s saying “Brace for impact”

End of the month with down to 80-90% sales, with no statistic working ( still ) , few statements that is clearing the air for “Elements only” model:

I wish I was wrong…

This is a start. In couple years, there’s no guarantee that they will not shut down the other marketplaces ( TF /GR ) as they will continuing focusing on Elements or other part of the site. We would be having the same situation with you and other authors. Then we could say same things for you as well.

Suggestions for the author out there that they have still “hope” for the marketplace, use the next one or two month to build your own license and marketing system and ready to either opt-out from “Exclusivity” and/or start selling the items on your own.


Very Dark Future For Authors :slightly_frowning_face:


After introducing the new Elements UI, our market sales completely stopped. Thank you, Envato!!! :confused:


They should disclose inside with authors … at least we should understand what is going on - sales are going down and things are not clear …


Our sales are also low, experiencing a 30-40% drop compared to the spring season. This decline seems to coincide with the summer season and the overall annual decrease on ThemeForest. Consequently, we soon stop publishing new items here and shift our focus back to freelance work. It appears that Envato is not interested in marketing ThemeForest effectively. The reason for focusing on Elements is unclear because Envato’s only two unique assets, ThemeForest and CodeCanyon, cannot be replaced with AI like Elements can and they don’t have competitors as Elements does.


Is there a possibility that Envato markets are shutdown in future (2-5 year horizon) ?

Probably by summer 2027, my opinion, it’d be “only” Elements. Some of the Elite authors start to remove their item from the marketplace already anyway… It’s just domino effect after this point.

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Please invite top authors here so we can find a solution together!
I have compared the top 21 items’ monthly sales in July 2019 and July 2024 and sales decreased 43%. It is worse for total market sales which decreased about 73%!


At some point, they created the problem with “multi-purpose” themes/templates.

Here’s the solution.

Why would they want to close Themeforest when TemplateMonster exists for 20+ years already with much smaller revenue and is not closed down? Same goes with any other agency that sells digital goods. They can only die out.

If there still exists demand for premium WordPress themes, and this is something that should be inspected first, Envato Elements will not fulfill that demand. Themeforest WordPress market should be reconsidered, add some changes with licenses, how long license lasts, different theme versions (light, full), license with and without support, exclusivity per item, not account, etc, something to be more similar with subscription model if you think that is future, of course without taking what authors already have. I think there were some proposals about this.

If, by chance, they want to close or sell Themeforest, they can offer it to WordPress top authors here.

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@BenLeong Can you please tell, is there still demand for WordPress themes as it used to be? I guess you have some investigation and information on global level. Also, do you think WordPress themes currently offered on Envato Elements and model without support would be enough for that demand?

Heya. If you’ve been following WordPress you’ll see in 2023 there was the first dip in market share since 2011. So while it’s not huge, there is a lot more competition in the web site design space. It’s no longer the one and only template based design platform. So you’ll likely see customer demand shifting a bit.


@KingDog I was rather interested in statistic for WordPress themes demand. I think WordPress market share is not directly correlating with premium themes demand.

If new CMS or customer platforms taking market share will you do the promotion for it as it used to be with HubSpot, for example, and award authors for creating the new themes or templates?

Now all traffic goes to the Elements and our sale is zero!


This is the first step since SS come. I guess they will destroy everything before sell the business. Winter is coming


Envato Elements sales are decreasing too. It destroys itself too! Earning chart for an author from Envato Elements. Source

