Responsive FlipBook WordPress Plugin setup

I posted this a few days ago on and so far have had no response, so I’m going to try to post it here as well:

I am new to using your Responsive Flip Book WordPress plugin and would like to ask a couple of questions: I just put a test flipbook on and I would like to know if it is possible to 1) have the last page (navigate directly to the first page (cover), so as to start over, rather than have to page back one page at a time?

I intentionally removed the site map view, for I thought it looked confusing.

This flipbook looks fine on a laptop or tablet, in either portrait or landscape view–but on an iphone, portrait view, the two-page spreads go to one-page. Showing one page at a time doesn’t fulfill my need to see the picture with the caption displayed as a spread. The theory is the same as it is on the Ancient Lands page where the pictures are displayed next to the captions.

Also, on the larger device, the captions in the right-side pages are all properly aligned to the bottom of the pages, but on the iphone they are high up on the page, aligned to the top. Is that something that can be controlled?

If you need wp-admin, please provide a way for me to send it to you securely.