"Read more" button does not translate anymore in TOTAL theme V4.9.2

Hello there. I am using envato TOTAL theme since a few years (French translation).

Update 4.9.2 seems to have a bug in post grid element where the “Read more” button is not translated. In the Blog page, indeed, it is well translated !

Furthermore, when customizing the “Read more” button text, the new text is displayed in the blog page as well as in a blog category selection. But in any page, an inserted Post Grid element still shows the “Read more” original English text. It might bee hard coded by mistake in the TOTAL v4.9.2 release?

Any idea to turn around welcomed…

Did you contact support for that template??? This is public forum not support for templates and plugins.


We can certainly help you out, but we only provide support for our items via the Themeforest comments on the item page and our own ticketed support system. This is the only way we can be sure we’re providing support to folks who have purchased the theme. If you could reach-out to us using one of those methods we’d be happy to help!
