Product designer plugin for woocommerce

I am looking for a woocommerce product designer plugin.

Any one has experience with the plugin custom-product-designer ? It has lot of functionalities that meet all my requirements, however he has bad reviews. So I am hesitating and I am wondering if it would be better that I go to Fancy product designer even if it has less functionalities.

You can also suggest other plugins that let clients customise their tshirt, mug, …



WooCommerce is offering an official one as well as you check check their website

Well if custom product designer plugin from tshirtecommerce really works, it would be the best one since it offers the possibility to have 3D overview and the possibility to have more than one design area on the same object. The problem is there are lot of negative opinions on it. This is why I am asking if anyone have experience with it. I would like to have more details.

What’s the name of woocommerce’s plugin? I did a search ‘product designer’ on
their extensions store but I did not find anything.
