Plugincheck WordPress plugin, i dont understand.


I have submit a new plugin to Codecanyon and got a feedback :

As a courtesy, preventive check:

  • Make sure that the code doesn’t raise any PHP errors, notices or warnings. Enable WP_DEBUG.
  • Include CSS/JS file the right way using wp_enqueue
  • Please do not deregister or ignore the default version of jQuery being used by the theme and load a custom version.
  • Run the code through the plugincheck WP plugin.
  • Make sure no deprecated methods are being used by the plugin. The
    above plugin will catch most of them so just do a quick check.

So i did bought Plugincheck and run it, when check my plugin it show the red error:
Function not found: dbDelta
Method not found: $wpdb::collate
Method not found: WP_Widget::__construct
Method not found: $wpdb::get_results
Method not found: WP_Widget::update
Method not found: $wpdb::insert
Method not found: $wpdb::query

How can i fix it?

Thank so much !


I had the same problem. Pluginchek doesn’t scan wp classes. You can skip this messages.

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Thank so much !

i got same issue , i just fixed all things . Does your plugin accepted after fixing this.

Yes. It acepted.

Please guide me on this , what should i do, now.

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “OxygenDevs - Whatsapp and Skype One Click Chat Support” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
Here is the comment from your Envato Quality team reviewer:

As a courtesy, preventive check:

  • Make sure that the code doesn’t raise any PHP errors, notices or warnings. Enable WP_DEBUG.
  • Include CSS/JS file the right way using wp_enqueue
  • Please do not deregister or ignore the default version of jQuery being used by the theme and load a custom version.
  • Make sure no deprecated methods are being used by the plugin. The above plugin will catch most of them so just do a quick check.
  • Just add error_reporting(0); to start php file.

  • Include CSS/JS file the right way using wp_enqueue: use
    wp_register_script(‘id-script’, SMARTCMS_ORDER_UPLOAD_URL .‘js/script.js’);
    wp_enqueue_script(‘id-script’); --> for script file

    wp_register_style(‘id-style’, SMARTCMS_ORDER_UPLOAD_URL .‘css/style.css’);
    wp_enqueue_style(‘id-style’); -> for css file