Plugin for creation of interactive table in wordpress

Hi guys,
I am looking for a plugin.
I have a food database. Each food has its gramms and kcal (example “apple - 1g - 2kcal”).
I need to create a table in which:

  • there is add button (example “+”)
  • I click it ("+")
  • I write food name and quantity (example “apple - 250g”)
  • data will be extracted from food database
  • in table will be showed food name, quantity, kcal multiplied per quantity (example “apple - 250g - 2kcal/*250g=500kcal”)

There is a plugin that can do that? I have downloaded WPDATATABLE but it is only to add, modify, delete new item in the database.

I hope that I have well explained my issue.


Hi the paky91 !

I have understood your wordpress plugin requirements very well. I can deliver excellent results as per your requirements. It will be a custom plugin development. Please share your complete details via email. In email i will send you references of work i have done similar a few weeks ago.

You will get an excellent product. Don’t worry


Just a note, with wpDataTables you can configure foreign keys relations between tables, which should allow you to configure it the way you want:

Hope this helps!