Plugin Developer

We are an Italian company and we are looking to hire a developer who can create a Plugin for our current project.
Basically what we need is a plugin that will do the following things:

  • we need the products in the archive page to be shown in a table.
  • in the archive page we need to filter the product by attributes in a dynamic way (like ajax filters)

This is in short what we need, if you want some more informations please contact us.

Hi , We are interested , can you send an email to ?

Thank You

I am interested.

I can be reached at adeelshaffi [at] gmail [dot] com


Please visit my Plugin portfolio and let me know if we are eligible to work together ?

Apart form this I have around 18 more which i did for my clients !

Your thoughts please ?

You can reach me on my Skype as well on, vivek.gour2
