personal trainer site for pt's to set up a calender take payments from customers

Hi i am looking for a template site if there is one or something similar where Personal trainers can go to set up their sessions then have customers log on and pick sessions and pay for them.

any one know if there is something out there already or am i going to have to start from scratch.


Check our 2 themes, they all have Personal Trainer demo & features

Thanks can I just check a couple of things

1, can the pt set up an account and manage their own classes or would I have to do it

2, is there a payment function linked with this this and would the payments be able to go direct to the pt less a chg for processing

You can use plugin learn dash. I have use it on building several sites.

Thanks zaccc is dash the plugin…forgive me I am new to this!

If you are looking for a theme for fitness and personal trainer, I suggest you take a look at our Coaching WP theme.

You can check its 3 fitness related demos here:

@Healmi693 Yes, with our theme your PT can add their own classes/event.
If there are multiple PTs, you could let them submit their classes and earn % for each ticket sale.
Payments can go direct to their paypal