only one position available for an author on homepage?

Hi all,
I am so happy that I’ve just got 1 newly approved PSD item lately.
Weird thing happens! After my new item appears on the homepage, my previous PSD item disappeared on the homepage (on the PSD category) (just 11days previously).
So I wonder if Envato only allows 1 item from 1 author appear on the homepage?
Because of that new item, our previous items would be omitted from the homepage to save position for the other authors?
Is it a penalty for a big group of talent designers work all their best and create many quality items to be treated like that?
I want to hear reply from Envato staff.

I’ve been approved several items at once and they all appeared on the category homepage (psd homepage) but only the last one appeared on the main homepage at the new items.

topic close, I searched from the old forum and get the answer that this rule has been made 4 years ago. Nightmare!