Hi everyone,
I just want want to know once you have bought a theme, can you use it for differents websites ? Or, must I buy a theme for each one of my website ?
Benjamin, Paris, France.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
I just want want to know once you have bought a theme, can you use it for differents websites ? Or, must I buy a theme for each one of my website ?
Benjamin, Paris, France.
Thank you.
You need to purchase a license for each time you install a theme on a unique website.
Great question. The policy of envato says that you must use one licence for one particular website/URL but what if when i use same theme for another Websites??? How themeforest as well as author know the sell item are belongs to this this urls ?? There is no any facilities provided by envato to secure that theme for one website
@OsamaSayegh says you must buy another licence for another websites ?? if buyer easily use same theme for another url then why he/she can purchase another?? for now there is only hardly 2-3% author provides licence validation theme which require licence key before use but it still not secured. Any one can break those code easily with few of developing knowledge.
So finally for buyer you must buy another licence for your new website if you want support from those theme owner.
Thanks Regards
Sorry, I am not sure to understand really.
Theory : you can buy one theme like multi purpose, you can build a webshop with the original paid licence ; but, if you want to buid a blog with the same theme you have not to buy again the theme but another licence only. It would mean that you can buy on themeforest just one licence if you have yet the theme before.
In the practice, there is no checking, no control, on using on theme for differents sites, differents purposes. And you can cracked the licence keys if a new licence is necessary to use again theme.
Or, a licence is necessary to have the support for your new project website.
In all the way, you don’t need to buy a theme each time you create a website with the same theme. But a new licence is legally needs to do it.
Am I wrong ?
Well, by purchasing a theme again you’re purchasing a new license. The process of purchasing another license is exactly the same process of purchasing a theme for the first time.
And yes, it’s almost impossible for Envato and authors to proof if a buyer is using a theme multiple times. But whoever does that, I’m sure he knows that he is using the theme illegally and he is likely to get in trouble if he gets caught.
Each website = buy 1 copy of the theme (that’s the license)
So if you want to build 5 websites (different domains) all using Avada you need to buy Avada 5 times on Themeforest.
Ok, thanks for all your anwers, it’s very clear in my mind now. It’s absolutely logical. No problem for me, respecting rules and authors, I was just needed the information.
That’s perfect !
An other question please,
1 theme = 1 license = 1 website
but, in the future will it be possible to change the website, choose an other url for the theme and license bought ?
There is no binding contract tying the license to a specific URL so you should be able to do that just fine as long as there is only 1 website using the single license purchased. Simply use your moral obligation in this case
Thank you very much, good new.
One Purchased Theme for one Domain But i looking For Avada Theme is useful for one perched use unlimited web. I will use for my Clipping Path Service and Clipping Path India Domain.
There is no unlimited or multi-use licenses available for website templates or WordPress themes on envato.
Can I use used my licenced theme on my sub domain also?
Can anyone help me if I purchased a theme for my website so can I use it on my sub domain
I`d like to know if this is true for sure as I have deleted old website and domain, and need to use my licence on a new project on new domain. Please help.
It depends greatly on the plugin or theme developer. As per my products, I expect the customer to contact me with the license code and the new website URL. I will reinstate their license to the new domain.
Others may handle this differently however the best approach is to contact the developer and tell them.
Thank you for your response. Thiss is certainly a sound advice. Thanks.
2 Years Old Topic