Newbie: How do I get rid of "Audio Jungle" voice-over with audio files

When I sample the audios all I hear is “Audio Jungle” voice-over. There is no explanation anywhere on how you get rid of this.


You will need to purchase the file to remove the audio watermark. Thanks!


Hi KingDog,
is there anyway to get rid of the ‘audio jungle’ voice over when sampling? It’s really annoying when you’re signed in/have a membership but still have to hear it when trying to listen to music tracks/sfx to download.

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Thanks for the feedback. It’s a protective measure from Market that’s worked its way into Elements. I realize it’s a bit annoying so I’ll pass on your feedback. Thanks!

Thank you for the reply. it’s a bit more than annoying to be honest. I find that when looking for shorter sound effects the ‘audio jungle’ is sometimes louder than the track itself. I don’t see why it’s necessary when you’re logged in as a paid user


i have purchase the file but getting this problem in California, Royalty Free Music Track - Envato Elements this audio

Did you downloaded the file, not the preview and still got the watermarked version? In the zip file?

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No kidding, for a professional service it has to better than this. When you work all day creating media, you are ready for prescription by the time you hear “Audio Jungle” thousands of times a day. If I had known that buying a subscription would still leave me having to listen to that, I would have passed. it t is great service but this is a Mickey Mouse problem that should have been solved a long long time ago

I’m gonna cancel my subscription because this is making me sick, please fix