I’m a new customer to envato (not new to IT) and unfortunately I’ve spent too much time trying to ‘figure out’ how to use a google slide theme that I downloaded today (Nors by pixasquare). Unfortunately the documentation from pixasquare is not suffice, as I cannot get the placeholder to work. As someone who has written extensive step by step documentation for IT projects, I was dismayed to see what looked like a rushed description, without any context or pictures, for a product that I just paid for.
Nor can I find any documentation on the envato site at all, which to me is odd considering the amount of money I just paid to subscribe. I made the assumption (clearly the wrong one) that there would be step by step guides on how to use the products I’m purchasing here. Sadly there are none…
In addition, several attempts to reach envato have been met with automated responses which are of zero use.
I’m writing here to attempt to rectify the problem before I cancel my subscription. Thank you.