We’ve just launched a new initiative for ThemeForest, with a brand new Free WordPress Themes landing page. This is an evolution of our existing Free Files strategy, aimed at maximising organic traffic (the single largest source of visitors to all our marketplaces) from web searches.
Free files play an important role in attracting new customers, and in showcasing the types of items that they can purchase on Envato Market. They’re also a powerful tool for introducing customers to author portfolios, helping those authors to benefit via cross-selling opportunities.
How are the free themes selected?
All themes featured on the new landing page are drawn from the existing ThemeForest Free File Nomination topic in the ThemeForest forum. If you have an item that you’d like to nominate for one of our promotional campaigns, you can find links to all the current nomination threads here.
How often do the items on the landing page change?
Free themes will currently be offered for ~1 month, using a similar model to our long-established Free File of the Month promotion. We’ll be refreshing the content in this page as each new batch of items are ready for promotion.
Why does it only feature WordPress items?
This is an initiative driven by our SEO team, aimed at increasing our ranking for the free wordpress themes
search term. This is a highly competitive term to rank for, and so we’re trying a new approach to our offering in this area.
Will all the other item categories get their own version of this?
At this stage, we’re focused on carefully measuring the success of the WordPress landing page, and learning from this. The results from this test will help us determine the best approach to using free item promotions in future.
Will this replace the Free File of the Month?
Not at this stage - you can still find all current Free File of the Month items on the front page of each Envato Market site. However, the Free WordPress Themes landing page will provide us with valuable data that will help us to optimise the Free File of the Month system.
If you have any questions about the new landing page, please let me know.