Hi @Avirtum!
Your application was approved today
What if I don’t want to use it?
hi @emile_b
thanks for this
I’m afraid something is going on weird, as I’ve used the existing Envato credentials, applied on IMPACT and get the mediatemple logo on the Top Left (!)
Impact says " Application Sent.
Your application to join Envato Market was sent."
should I be worried?
and besides, do you confirm this is the proper way to get commissions even from legacy REF links?
Thanks a lot.
account linking does not work
Hello @Like-A-Pro
You will not earn referral earning after 1 Oct
Hello @imithemes
I face same problem, I also joined before 1 month 20 July and also shared Impact Radios link everywhere in social sites. I am still waiting for action
I’m having the same problem. My acccount hasn’t been approved yet
Due to the terms of impact, only credits and not purchases are granted for referrals. Is that correct?
How to check does the old link ?ref=avirtum work in my Impact account, can’t find description.
Thanks a lot! Now is fine!
Have a nice day ahead,
I think few public videos really needed to clear confusions about Impact.
The whole process and some additional information needed to make it easier.
If any videos available then please post it.
Hi @Avirtum,
We have an internal system that can confirm when the accounts are linked. I just checked, and your Envato account is not linked to your Impact account yet.
To complete the linking, please do the following:
Log in to your Envato Market account
Now click this link to go to the ‘Linking page’
Enter your Impact Media Partner ID
Enter Media partner email
Click ‘Link accounts’
Let me know once done, and I can confirm that it is linked for you!
Hi @BivasDesign!
We’ve actually got a bunch of instructional videos here:
Signing up to the affiliate program
Linking your legacy account to your Impact account
How to use ads on Impact
How to create a tracking link on Impact
How to view purchased items
Overview of reports on Impact
How to use Sub_IDs
If you have any additional questions please let me know
Hey @wplab
The reason it wasn’t working was because your application to join was still pending. You’ve now been approved, so please try again!
@emile_b have news?
I’ve done. The platform says linked, and the last question how to check my link ?ref=avirtum? Thanks for support.
Due to the terms of impact, only credits and not purchases are granted for referrals. Is that correct?
Interesting point! Does any purchase of a new user require a purchase of credits? @emile_b
(I used to pay with my balance, so I never have to buy credits )