Need Tutor for Photoshop!!!

Hello Everyone,

I have added my Items on envato and its rejected 3 times, i don’t know the reason may be there is lack of quality in my work so i need a professional designer who can help me to make a quality PSD and teach me my mistakes. I Will pay him/her hourly base.

I am really too much disappoint please help me to become an author at envato.

Thanks in Advance!!

hi , this looks interesting lol :wink:

I also need a tuto for photoshop for better my design web

But I already buy a course video $9 usd I already learn my design but I think that very short tutorial also learn .psd, luck :slight_smile:

Why not just take graphic design classes at a college or look at youtube videos? There’s no shurtcuts, it’s just going to take practice.

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That’s the best advice possible.

It’s great that you want to learn but “learning photoshop” is a huge task and even after years there could well still be a lot to understand. Based on an hourly rate you would need to be VERY rich to be able to afford to do that.

If you want to be able to submit here then I’d suggest looking for “design” courses more than “Photoshop” because really successful submissions etc. Will be more about understanding layouts, how to compile typography, how to build strong UX etc.

Spend time looking at inspiration sites, maybe buy a PSD on TF and look at how it is constructed, Google is your friend, and there are many free courses and YouTube videos to get you started.

One of the biggest misconceptions on envato is that PSDs will be easier to submit than sites or themes as there is no code. In actual fact this probably makes it even harder.

Knowing how to use Photoshop is of course important but will never substitute experience and understanding of fundamental design principals and the ability to visualise and compose great designs.

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Thanks for your valuable reply, I work more than 14 hours per day on photoshop. I am not a beginner i need to know about mistakes of my PSDs those were rejected by TF Reviewers.

Share your designs here. the community is full of experts and authors who will be able to offer advice and guidance

Hi Charlie,

I did same as you told, I already bought more than 3 PSDs just for checking their construction, I did my best but still i am confused why TF rejected my work everytime.

Can you please add me on skype for me discussion if you are interested ?
My skype : singh.makhan24

Sorry it’s nothing personal but I don’t offer advice off these public forums - I have done it before and got bombarded.

Besides there are many people more experienced than me here who would be just as, if not more valuable to feedback.

No one is going to rip your ideas (they were rejected after all) and one you have shared it they would not be able to try and reproduce it.

If you interested please add my skype: jerithemes :slight_smile:

I am totally agree with you but i just need a person who can tell me the mistake in my PSD because i did my best in last 3 PSDs again if i will try so i know it will also rejected so i need a person who can check check my PSD and let me know where i am wrong.

because i don’t think there is a problem in my PSD, theme forest reviewers don’t tell us reason of rejection. You are expert and you and other professionals can tell where i did mistake.

I am ready to pay for it, i don’t want anyone to spend time on me for free.

Thanks for your valuable reply. I really appreciate.

Happy to take a look and really no need to pay anyone really (remember noone can guarantee you approval) but you need to post an imgur link or similar here in this thread. It is the best option to get the most valuable feedback

Charlie You are Great person, i can share you my design below :

you know why i want to pay because i am really disappointed due to rejections and i don’t know the exact reason. You are right that know one gives me guarantee, but at least can tell me Quality.


It’s actually not a bad design generally.

  • Possibly the biggest issue is that there is nothing especially unique on offer in terms of features as part of a one page design (an insanely crowded category).

Because of that a reviewer may see it as degrading the file in terms of premium potential for someone to code it.

Design speaking:

  • The top header info email/tel is slightly unaligned to the logo and the icons (needs to come down slightly)

  • The main nav could breath a but more and spread wider plus demo potential drop down functionality

  • Typography is something which needs looking at esp. on the slider

  • The cubic title font is a bit outdated generally and really doesn’t work for team hover state info

  • Line height is a bit much in places (its actually quite tight on service info but on the text next to the phone and the slider sub title, features/about etc. subtitle, its very wide).

  • There’s a lot of empty space around the testimonial slider

  • Careful that all to/bottom of section margins are consistent

  • Is it just me or odes the blog (layout is v nice) type seem smaller than everywhere else?

  • Most of these are not huge to fix things but in PSD everything has to be pixel perfect and very very very refined. Always consider quality and attention to detail in every aspect

Are there other pages? again it’s not a bad start but doe snot really bring anything that couldn’t be found in many others and needs a lot more options,elements, pages and features to increase premium feel and ‘give a reason that someone would want to buy/code it’.

I know people can’t buy your file, code it and sell it here without permission but if you look at it from that perspective and if it offers the necessary level of quality then this is a great indication of where you are with it.

You are absolutely right, It’s one page design only. Okay i am going to make a new PSD which i will make with guide guide extension. and will you please like to see that after completion ?

Because no one have time for others and i really appreciate that you spend your valuable time for me.

My skype ID: singh.makhan24

Sure post new designs here

u know buddy, the initial offer was nice but was not fair for u indeed, as, actually, u can just come here and have some feedback from many guys, plus, no matter how experienced and everything we might be , we cannot tell at 100% what is the exact thing leading u to have a rejection …