Need help with grid loadings

Hi Guys

We have a problem and can’t find a good solution.
The problem is, we have a grid to display a lot of info on a homepage. All the info is about a 80MB.

There are now 400 grid posts need to load but they will increase untill 2000 +/-

Now we want the index just to load 20 posts in the grid and when you press load more, the next 20… not verry special but we can’t fix it. Buyed 3 different grid plugins that “say” you can load online 20 but still it’s loading all of the posts.

The url i’m talking about is:

Can somebody help this issue? Wanne pay for a good solution.

Sounds like you need a “lazy load” script added to the page. Jump over to envato studio and find a web developer who can assist:

I have a lazy loading in the script… not working :slight_smile: