Need help to choose Theme

Hello there!

It is a jungle to find the right course for myself, so i hope i might get a tip or advice, so i can find the right theme for me :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to find a theme which has just one front page which presents the page, but in the top right or left corner has a “Subscribe to this webpage here”, which then leads you to a subscription paywall. After the paywall the idea is then to have a full webpage with courses. It would be great when pressen the “course” button, that there was a category selection of 5 main courses, and then when pressing on a specific course, an overview over that course would come with 3 different categories of that, for example “beginner, intermediate, advanced”.
Each course should have a description, a PDF download and a link leading to a forum.

Is there a theme which has this, or at least quite a few of these elements to it? So far, i have been looking at Eduma and Aardvark, which both seem promising.

Also! - Is there a search word, which indicates that there is a frontpage, with a paywall?

Thank you so much for your time!

You’d be better off looking on CodeCanyon for a plugin or script that enables that functionality and adding it to a theme designed for the main functionality post pay-gate.

Bear in mind that this sounds like you are going to need the extended license of any theme which you use for the courses etc.