Need feedback before submit my item


I Need feedback before upload my item to PSD Category:

Theme URL:

I personally Like this design a lot,
But my concern is, Themeforest’s PSD section isn’t meant for selling items and getting rich.
It is all about proving how creative I am.
I think it is too simple for the PSD section as you might have noticed PSD’s at TF are with bunch of features and overall unique. May be you should try converting it HTML.
Again, I love this design, and it is going to be an inspiration for today… :smiley:

Good Luck

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It’s good design but lacks the creative originality that reviewers will probably look for.

What do other pages look like?

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Thank you, But the PSD Category is First step, and i’ll converting it html after approved

working now in the other pages :smile:

any more feedback

I like it clean and modern

thank you, have any feedback ?