My first sale! Weeeeee!

I am very happy! I am on Audio Jungle for one year and I have 2 tracks on the market. I did nothing to try to sell them but somehow I made my first sale.

Thank you, Thailand and of course, thank you, Envato!


The first sale does feel great! Congrats, again! :slightly_smiling_face:


You are right! I feel awesome! :smiley:
Thank you, again!

Congratulations! Keep uploading, with consistency and inspiration! And good luck with sales!!!

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Thank you very much! Let there be music! :smiley:

Great start, keep up the good work!

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Thank you! :smiley:

Congrats, wish you more…

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Thanks a lot! :heart_eyes:

Well done! Still waiting for mine :frowning: