Music Broadcast & Film license sold for 500$!

It can be even on Sunday.
It doesn’t mean you should create a track like this, it means you shouldn’t set low prices on YOUR tracks. I’m sure lots of authors believe their music is not so good to set higher prices, but it’s not true! Create good music and appreciate it!


Well done!.:+1:

And take that, you 5$ guys. :sunglasses:


Congrats, well deserved.

Imagine how many 5$ broadcast tracks have been sold up till now.


Although, it is crazy that a $500 international broadcast license would be considered higher priced… It’s still very cheap!


Few days ago @OlexandrIgnatov got also circa 1000$ sale :slight_smile: Prices of the good quality music are rising :slight_smile:


That’s true, @PurpleFog.

Congrats! Classy track :slight_smile:

Sales like this prove that @SteelSound is correct when he says that people are more than willing to pay healthy prices for quality content.

Now if only Elements would develop a reputation for being a place to find “not quite what you’re looking for, but close enough, sort of”…


I think many authors are living in the “AJ low price bubble”, and forget to check what single track pricing exists outside AJ, and many are looking at the recommended prices from Envato which does not make sense for high quality music at all. AJ has changed a lot over the years, and it is nowadays outstanding quality available on this site, which attracts more serious customers. I’m sure many video producers have several go to sites to pick and choose from.

And I don’t believe most customers are studying in detail the licenses if they are meant for 1 project or unlimited projects on different sites, if customers did study license details, a lot more and higher broadcast licenses would be sold on AJ.

Have a look at the single track pricing of those sites that do full buyouts of music tracks, these companies are very well aware of what budgets exists among video producers and know how to milk it.

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To authors: You are only worth what you charge.

To Buyers: You get what you pay for.

Nice brass sounds, very nice piano soloing. Probably could have fetched $1000 if you were asking for that amount. Folks $1000 is not a lot of money for worldwide broadcast rights. In fact it is cheap as sheet.

Artists themselves though, I predict will still destroy this business, eventually.

Reminder to all: Subscription models exist to destroy you, not help you long term. Focusing on people with no money: independent youtubers making films and videos that no one cares about will destroy your career. Focusing on corporations, big brands, and post production companies with real production budgets will help advance your career. Follow the money, not the “non-money”

The NO PRO model from the art listed and epidemic folks will destroy you long term.

Now everyone, be sure to devalue yourself further. Panic and apply to elements and lower your standard prices to $5. Just do whatever it takes to drive the nail into your coffin even faster.