Looking for WP Developer for Partnership

Hi guys!

I’m looking for WP developer for partnership to my next ThemeForest template.
The job is PSD to WP or HTML to PSD. The project has a detailed specification.

I’m handling the graphics (100% done), third-part licenses, marketing plan, advertisement budget, taxation, book-keeping and documentation (but your help will be needed in the most technical aspects).
You’re needed to deal with WP coding.

Suggested split is 50/50.

Please let me know if you’re interested. I’ll send you all the details.
Thanks! Can’t wait to hear from you! :slight_smile:

You won’t get any decent WordPress Developer for 50-50 split.

Hey mabuc,
thanks for your replay!

So what’s your split suggestion?

i looking for designer with PSD to develop theme Wordpress.
If you are interested Partnerships, Let’s discuss the conditions,
Workin on one full theme takes about a month (it depends on the complexity, sometimes it takes 15 days). I am making themes for an elite author https://themeforest.net/user/azexo/portfolio
You can see my projects here:
To strengthen the partnership, I propose first to publish 1-2 topics on my account (income will be divided 60% by 40%)
if you have any suggestions I would like to know about them
If you are interested Partnerships, reply here or send me a private message!

Hi Xaoni,

Thank you for the replay.
I like your templates, but I already have better offers.

Maybe next time :wink:

can you show me your graphic design?

Hi, thanks for your replay.
I’ve already found a partner for this project.
If I’ll need some help in the future, I’ll remember you :slight_smile: