Looking for Website Directory - Site Template - Directory Template in HTML 5

I am looking for a directory template in HTML 5 Site template format. I want a modern template for a directory I have in mind. Can someone please build me one? I use Dreamweaver and want to create a web directory. I can not find one anywhere on this site.


What kind of directory?

It really does not matter, I can adjust it in Dreamweaver, I actually plan on creating a couple directories. Just a business directory would be fine.

I am starting with a cancer treatment directory since my father recently got lung cancer. I basically want to help people find treatment centers in their zip codes or states. Can you help?

I would like to be able to adjust the banner and colors in the CSS and change the links out to create different directories.

I can help you :slight_smile:
Contact me on hari.s@live.in

I’m interested in this too

cercedilla said

I’m interested in this too

Don’t mind gentleman but that post is one year old!