Looking for HTML template to convert it to WordPress theme

Hi Guys,

I am looking for HTML template to convert it to WordPress, Preferably health or real estate HTML template but I am open for all niches as well.
If any one want to collaborate kindly drop me pm or comment here.

If you want to convert it to Laravel and integrate it with SPA (Single-page application), I’ll be with you.

Thanks I will reach you if I found an HTML template, to work on the Laravel version.

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Looking for an HTML template to convert into a WordPress theme? Explore theme marketplaces like ThemeForest, prioritize responsive and well-documented templates, and consider collaboration with WordPress developers for a smooth conversion process.

Sure, If any WordPress developer looking for collaboration you can reach me.

connect with me.

Contact with me.

I sent you pm


Hey, I have recently uploaded a corporate/business template for approval…maybe we can collaborate on it for WordPress…Message me please, will send demo link.


You can check my HTML template for health and real estate.

  1. Medic - Hospital, Diagnostic, Clinic, Health and Medical Lab HTML Website Template
  2. Emlak - Real Estate, Architecture, and Construction HTML Website Template

You are already selling these as WP themes on competitor websites?!


So another author cannot convert them to WordPress then which is the purpose of the discussion

I sent it for buy the template and convert it to wordpress and you can use it for your website.

Sorry I don’t think it will make it through here

Okay, thanks.


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