Looking for designer for partnership or hire

Hi, we are a team of wordpress developers and we are looking for a designer to partner with to start selling on ThemeForest!

Let me know if you are interested!

Hi. We have a few psd themes, approved and we are looking a for wordpress developer.

Hi Mexelina, how can I contact you to discuss?


we have html templates

I am interested.i have many approved item in themeforest. Please contact with me

I’ve just sent you an email

Email sent

Sent me an email on nikpletikos@gmail.com for further talk.

hi, I have some Approved PSDs, pls contact me If you are interested : https://themeforest.net/user/kalanidhithemes/portfolio?sso=1&_ga=2.93075869.1415610167.1493958876-435238629.1479202176

check mail


We have an Approved PSD, pls contact me If you are interested :

Skype: themedune
Email: support@jkthemes.com

Hi, I didn’t get any details in email. pls resend it.

Are you guys still looking for partners? our portfolio https://themeforest.net/user/ambidextrousbd … we are looking for partnership :slight_smile: thanks


Hello if you are still interested -

Please have a look at our profile https://themeforest.net/user/multia-themes. Our design website : www.multia.in