Looking for a woocommerce plugin Update after pay

Hi! I’m looking for a plugin which will make my customer able to fill out forms after pay
I want them to pay first for a product and after they do a payment make them allowed to customise an order in their account page.

For example they pay first for a product which is a website. and after that they go Myaccount and from menu they are choosing Product which they bought and then they are filling a form, like upload logo, header, menu.

I can do it by additional checkout field. But i want to make them first pay, and after checkout process make them able to upload information about the product which they bought.
Perfect will be if admin will be notified about those kinds of change
I hope my English is understandable enough


Hi @skoczyi
I think you need something custom made.
Let me know I can help you with this project.
Work will be awesome and perfect according to your need.

Best Regards