looking for a theme elegant nav horizontal

I found this website http://www.estournel.com/fr/
very nice, so, tried to find a similar WP theme, but… who knows something close to this website?

See you!

Not really sure, but I think @ThemeGoods had similar photography related theme with horizontal scrolling.

There are also other themes like this for sure, but can’t remember other item or author names.

Hope this helps

We have one with horizontal scrolling feature. It is not the same like your example above, but you can take a look:

Thanks @theAlThemist for mentioning.

We have few themes which support horizontal gallery option. Please take a look at these themes.

thanks, I didn’t know this theme

ok thanks, interesting themes


What you are looking for is this:


Theme page: https://themeforest.net/item/y-theme-flexibility-productivity-simplicity/17200845

great ! thanks

I noticed there is no previous arrow in the pages, just a next one …

You can activate both 2 arrows

Hi i have a similar site and looking to improve the horizontal navigation - anyone got any ideas of what i can do to help users know you go left and right? Website link below