Item Support Policy and Functionality Launched

Yep haha - or just wait until they fix it :wink: Iā€™ll send them an email :slight_smile:

Donā€™t you earn money using themes? Theme price = $60, project price based on this theme = $1000. You still think you feed us?

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Wow, youā€™d think theyā€™d get it right on day one!

All previous API related question stated: support_until is empty - no support or support expired. So, they need to fix this and populate this field where needed ASAP, or the API checks for support will all return unsupported. I already opened the topic for this, but no one from Envato responded there yet.

Over exaggeration : to increase or enlarge abnormally:

Can you post a link? I have no idea how this stupid forum works.

Yes, and so far all responses from API returns support_until as NULL, and based on what they said, all users have 6 months support starting today, so all API responses need to return actual date. If you are to check now and follow the results, all purchase codes verified right now will return that item support has expired.

Please calm down a bit. You buy digital products from authors, not from envato. I mean authors are copyright holders. When you register here, you accept terms and conditions. They are your rules, first of all YOU should respect them if you want to buy something. We respect your rights, that are stated in those terms. If you donā€™t like them - you need to blame envato, authors donā€™t set rules, they follow conditions set by existing system. If you have any problems with purchased items, contact envato support for refund. Authors canā€™t satisfy everyone.

Learn to first respect authorā€™s time and hard-work. Calling out authorā€™s products crap and our goodwill scam is not going to help.

The flexibility and features which you get from products on themeforest, you wonā€™t get it anywhere and that to for a relatively lower price.

Now, the added support packs adds more incentives to authorā€™s time and hard-work each time they put in to add new features to their products on the go. So, it is sustainable for authors.

So, calm down and talk with respect.

I didnā€™t touch your comments and i donā€™t hide anything, i actually donā€™t care. Look, what is your point in blaming everyone? If you have problems, contact Envato support. Weā€™re discussing different things here.

Off - Is there a ban feature on the forums?

Wrong, iā€™ve mentioned that earlier.

No, I havenā€™t seen it. But, there should be. :neutral_face:

Yep there is

Envato Authors, Just after Support Packs launched

@andrewfreeman accidently met an Envato Author


Authors after visiting Statements page


Good Luck :+1:


OMG! lol :smiley:

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Did you integrate your rating system with your new support mechanic? 6 months later, a user canā€™t rate our product right?

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This topic is temporarily closed due to a large number of community flags.

This new paypolicy-system on Envato will lead to abuse by some wptheme creators in time.
There are already malicous themecreators enough outthere on the internet with payingschemes and non 100% working themes.
Sureā€¦ lifetime-updates arenā€™t realisticā€¦but 6 months is too short.
Hopefully this new policy wonā€™t undermine the quality of new works.
Why would a wp-creator release a nice 100% full working theme (like before 1 september 2015), if he can earn extra money with ā€œhustleā€ and ā€œswindleā€ on support and updates?