I uploaded one items to codecanyon,Item rejected, I dont know what to do now. here is the Message from ENVATO Reviewers
Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Arda - Personal Portfolio Template” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:
Visit our forums and ask fellow authors for feedback. Our helpful community will be glad to lend a hand.
Check out this Help Center article to understand why and how items get rejected.
Remember you can get help, in the form of tutorials or skilled professionals, on Envato Tuts+ and Envato Studio.
We hope to see a new submission from you soon
This sounds more like an item for themeforest than codecanyon?
Without seeing a link it’s impossible to give any feedback
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That concept is massively over done and will be super hard to get approved again unless there is something extremely stand out and unique.
FYI that’s an item for themeforest not codecanyon
I’m asking about the reasons for rejection so I can modify it
The typography is not great but the problem is more that, with respect, the concept is not very premium and quite basic meaning that there’s not a huge amount or technical feedback to give
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I want to clarify more
I am new in this field and I want to avoid obstacles in the future
Have a look at the top selling items already for sale and consider the attention to detail in their designs, different features and functionality etc.
Again with respect it wouldn’t be hard to find something similar to your link as a freebie file somewhere and to compete here you have to bring something more.
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