Anyone knows a fixed on this issue on CF7 4.6
Notice: wpcf7_add_shortcode is deprecated since Contact Form 7 version 4.6! Use wpcf7_add_form_tag instead.
issue appears only on WP4.7 and CF7 4.6
Anyone knows a fixed on this issue on CF7 4.6
Notice: wpcf7_add_shortcode is deprecated since Contact Form 7 version 4.6! Use wpcf7_add_form_tag instead.
issue appears only on WP4.7 and CF7 4.6
Check this link here you will see the alternatives for these methods
thanks! so I need to change it on my own?
This is the new plugin api, the old methods are deprecated and are no longer supported. If you are a developer and implement this featured in your theme then you should change it otherwise contact the theme authors and submit a ticket with this problem to fix.
I just updated the WP to 4.7 and then CF7 to 4.6 and then the issue came. Even when I switched to twenty seventeen theme notice still there.
This notice shows you a line where it appears also you get it in Dashboard or when you view the site? Somewhere these methods are used it can be a theme or plugin.
I found out the issue. It has an issue when mailchimp for wp is activated. I updated mailchimp to latest version and all works fine now. thanks for the help @hawk95