Is social media marketing worth it?

Originally published at:

Daniel Futerman (aka AmigoProductions) is a Videohive author with 8 years of experience in video & motion graphics. He works from his home office, sets his own hours and does business with clients worldwide. In this series, he’ll be taking us through the pros and cons of social media marketing, and provide alternative actionable strategies to help increase your sales and revenue.

Here we go.

The moment has arrived.

After carefully crafting each of your 140 characters into a concise, yet quirky call-to-action, you’re finally ready to press the “Tweet” button and share your awesome new product with 500 avid followers.

Your adrenaline peaks, your excitement is palpable, and your eyes can’t help but see the countless sales that are about to start rolling in.

Then, just like that, the tweet is sent. Hitting the stream like a butterfly hits the wind; getting swept up and lost a flood of air.

You wait five minutes and hear nothing. Twenty minutes, and still nothing. You keep your eyes locked on the sales meter for the next hour, but still nothing.

“What happened? Didn’t I just sent out a tweet?! Where are my sales?”

Does social media marketing work?

The short answer is yes, it can work. The problem is, it only works if:
  • You have a few thousand followers.
  • Those followers are highly targeted.
  • Your followers see your posts in their feed.
  • The followers who see your posts engage with them.
  • The followers who engage with your posts click on a link.
Pretty simple, right? Well, actually not at all.

The reality is that social media marketing isn’t right for everyone. In fact, the average post/engagement ratio is so low, that only few people successfully get it right, without giving up first.

Likes, Pins and +1s


The first thing to note is that social media marketing is all about getting engagement.

Put simply, engagement means people taking action on a post; liking, commenting, sharing, pinning or +1-ing, which all matter because they can lead to your item staying in people’s streams longer and getting noticed. The more people notice your product the better chance there is they’ll engage with it.

To demonstrate exactly how hard it is to get good engagement rates, let’s take a look at some stats shared by Danny Sullivan from Marketing Land, who at the time of the following case study had 390,000 twitter followers.

According to the data, the impression rate of one of his best-performing tweets was 1.85%.

This means that out of 390,000 followers, only 7,195 saw the tweet. And that’s not even the worst part. Out of that 7,195, only 360 people who saw the tweet, engaged with it.

Calculating that figure against his overall follower base of 390,000, that engagement percentage sits at a puny 0.0923%.

That’s tiny! And let’s not forget, those stats were based on one of his top-performing tweets.

His average engagement rate ranged between 0.5% to 1.3% per tweet, which results in 0.00641% - 0.0197% per overall account engagement.

This means that on average, only 25-75 people out of his total 390,000 engaged with his tweets. Take a moment to let those number sink in, and then go ahead and check how many twitter followers you have.



As authors, this is the metric you’re most interested in. This is what will drive traffic to your content, thus creating the potential of generating sales.

This is the metric you should be looking at to figure out if your social media presence is actually worth having.

Sadly, in my experience at least, digging deeper into the stats and checking link click-through rate (CTR), things get even more depressing.

For instance, let’s take a look at my Twitter account.

Twitter Account

With 1,403 followers, my average tweet engagement rate for the past 39 days is a mere 0.4%.

Engagement Rate

(Post engagement rate = number of people who took action on the post, divided by the number of followers who saw the post. Not overall account followers).

But wait, it gets more exciting. Let’s take a look at one of my top performing tweets that received a whopping 1.4% engagement rate, with 6 engagements.

That’s 6 people (out of 1,403 followers) who engaged with my tweet! That’s great, right?

Twitter Clickthrough

Well, 6 engagements is a great vanity metric, but no indication of how much traffic the tweet drove.

As you can see that tweet had “0 total link clicks”.

Over on Facebook, the story isn’t much better.

According to Michael Leander, a Facebook post that gets above 1% engagement is considered good, while 0.5%-0.99% is the average engagement rate.

According to these stats, if you have 1,000 page fans you’d be lucky if more than 10 people engage with your post.

Facebook Account

With four times the number of followers I have on Twitter, you’d think engagement would be four times higher.

Facebook Engagement Rate

As you can see, that’s not nearly the case.

Facebook stats

In fact, engagement on my Facebook page is so ridiculously low that out of 4,300 followers - my last post reached 42 people, with only 6 people engaging with it! That’s 0.976% post reach, and as little as 0.0697% overall engaged ratio (1 photo view and 2 link clicks).

The verdict


Getting social media right is hard; really hard. In most cases, people are going to give up after wasting weeks trying to get their presences to yield results that justify their existence.

Am I saying you should completely opt out of social media? No, not at all. On the contrary - having a strong social presence is an essential part of any brand’s strategy. Yet, when it comes down to getting people to engage with your content and click on the links you share, social media might not be the right path to peruse.

Unlike big corporations that can afford to spend millions on social media marketing, small business owners like you and I will struggle to make an impact.

So, what if I told there’s a better way? A way that, if done right, could net you a 30% engagement rate on the content you share? A method that helped me double my earnings on Videohive in 2015?


If so, be sure to check out thenext “Marketing for Market” column, here…

In the meantime, let me know what your engagement rates on Twitter and Facebook are.

Check out Amigo Productions' profile on VideoHive

The Envato Community Newsletter 2


I’m really excited to have my first post go live in the community blog, and truly hope authors will find this series both valuable and practical! :blush:

p.s. for a better reading experience head over to the blog post

An interesting post, especially for authors like me who are too lazy to have a presence on social channels :smile: Thanks for sharing it!

Just a quick note to Envato developers: when you go to the articles titles are a bit hard to read if the words are split like this:

I think the CSS is set to word-wrap: break-word when it should be set to word-wrap: normal

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Thanks @greenline, glad to hear! I have a feeling that you’ll enjoy the upcoming post :wink:

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awesome! thank for shae your experience!

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I like the article and it seems to be real and discourage at the same time.
The right thing was said - social media is all about your personal branding. That’s already one thing which might increase sales.

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natman already shared this. @AmigoProductions waiting for your real post :slight_smile:

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Thanks @TitanSlayer, appreciate it! It was important for me to be transparent about my data since I wanted people to see these are real stats based on my own experience, and not just number metrics gathered from varies case studies.

And by the way, if you’re interested - you can check your own stats here:

Twitter -
Facebook page -

I’d love to hear from others how they are doing in terms of engagement?

Is there a way for authors to socially re-target off envato item pages? Have you tried that via your own website if you have files for sale/demo/linked from there?

@surjithctly I’m looking forward to sharing it!

It’s great to see how engagement here on our community (unlike social media) has always been so remarkably high (and possitive!) :smile:

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Hey @charlie4282 thanks for your comment, but I didn’t quite understand what you mean?

I’d be interested to know how you got your followers and likes. Personally, I get the sense that spending money on say, Facebook advertising to get likes (even targeted likes), and then re-marketing to those likes is usually going to result in poor engagement and click-through rates. But if you have a page with many natural likes and people who actually like/bought your products, then the situation might not be so bad. For this reason, I haven’t spent much money on likes or social media, I just slowly build them up naturally - but this can be a very slow and painful process.

I mean does envato facilitate or allow authors to re-target people on social with content if they have visited your item pages

e.g. can if I listen to one of your tracks, do authors have the capacity to re-tagret me on Facebook with content around that track at a later date

As this usually relies on pixels or cookies then I was not sure if it would be possible.

Hope that makes more sense. Thanks

EDIT: found this which is more or less the same

I had a really small (>200$) campaing on FB. Just to test it.

This had increased likes, but there was not any engagement.

Then I looked to the guys who liked my pages - ppl from India, Afganistan, Pakistan etc. And you know - they like EVERYTHING. For example - they like
cars , bras, refrigerators, skiing … and etc. So I think all this FB ads campaing - just bullsh!t, it seems like they have some kind of people who have to do such kind of work. They got salaries for likes, in other words.
Thats why I will never again start any FB ads campain.

With all due respect if that’s the kind of results you were seeing then you need to reconsider your targeting and configuration.

Acquisition is not really the right type of ads for success here - you need to be optimising for clicks to the item pages (better still if possible re-targeting them base don items they viewed previously), and focusing on only relevant countries, interests etc.

The problem that I was targeting relative to my soundcloud data, so I thought I would get people from US, EU and Australia mostly. I do not now why FB decided to bring me the majority of likes from the contries listed above.

How did you create that data and import it to the ads? Via email? Custom audience?

It is always wise to set the countries manually (irrelevant of FB or other channel) just to be 100% sure on it.

Well, I just created list of top contries related to my soundcloud data. Then, before start of my ads campaing, I have created list of countries that I am needed and added it to my campaing. So it WAS targeting.