Images not available on purchase

If images not available who will buy the templates

Hi @manishandwork, Customer will buy the templates. Envato don’t allow to include original images in the purchased download zip because of copyright concern. So, author have to include placeholder images instead of the original images in the purchased download zip. Thanks

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Man, I am not a Geek - dont use Copyright images - make a SEPERATE Category where there is no COPYRIGHT IMAGES - now so how to get IMAGES ??? - using the website without IMAGES is living in this world without CLOTHES - there are free images available why doesnt the seller use free images - this is bullshit

Is there any guarantee that the author will not use copyrighted images for lack of knowledge of the assets usage rules? and in this way author can receive a copyright violation DMCA notice and as a result, can get their account suspended. and that’s why Envato doesn’t allow original images from any third-party site.

again no straight answers -
Q1 what will i get website without IMAGES ??? -
Q2 and if I want Images what should I do ?
Q3 I dont want that copyrighted images ??? can you understand english ?? is any person so dump that he will use all copyrighted images ??? Give me simple images ???

lastly can I get website with images ??? Yes or NO ??? if yes share me the Link

and I dont want your silly explainations what is envanto what it is not ?

Just for clarity

  • images are not necessarily “copywrited”, however most stock and even free image sites prevent the redistribution of images in their original format.

  • to further protect both authors and a buyers from deliberate or unintentional mis-use envato also ask authors not to include these assets and can block approval based on that.

  • for authors using high quality assets shows off their products better

  • for buyers it gives a better indication of how their own site could look

  • there’s an assumption that buyers read the item description on Themeforest, and almost always authors link to where images can be found/downloaded/purchased

Images are almost always replaced with place holders

Check item descriptions on item pages on themeforest for more info or ask the author

You have placeholders so you can use whatever images you want to put there.

Some (not many) items include images that the author owns. Unfortunately there is no a to filter for those so it would mean checking individually


Just for clarity

  • images are not necessarily “copywrited”, however most stock and even free image sites prevent the redistribution of images in their original format.

  • to further protect both authors and a buyers from deliberate or unintentional mis-use envato also ask authors not to include these assets and can block approval based on that.

  • for authors using high quality assets shows off their products better - but BUYER is fooled in this way - seller should give Purchasing Option

  • for buyers it gives a better indication of how their own site could look

  • there’s an assumption that buyers read the item description on Themeforest, and almost always authors link to where images can be found/downloaded/purchased

SIR - THERE is no link provided by the author to buy IMAGES or downloaded ???

can you suggest sites which provide this links - I understand your concerns - i have 20 years experience in IT development field - can you suggest me - how to make purchases on website - where I get to know - what assets are mine and what are not

What theme is it that you are looking at?

You have no buyer badge so is this one you have not yet bought or is it a download from envato elements?

I am a Professional - there will be repeat ORDERS

Right now I am interested in :-


Solutions - Multipurpose Business Consulting Services HTML Template2>

Consultant - Business Consulting Services HTML Template

You can ask your pre-purchase query about images directly to the Item author by posting comments going through the Item Comments page. The item author will assist you to find out the demo images ( like they can provide the image source ).