I'm looking for a Frontend partner in order to create WordPress Theme

Hello Everyone,
I’m looking for a Frontend (HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/Jquery) partner who already has one or more HTML templates added recently on Themeforest that I will convert to WordPress Themes (50/50 Partnership)

Thanks in Advance :slight_smile:

Esp as you have no other items for sale you should be clear as to who is supporting the item? Whose account is it being uploaded from? (Very important as it will potentially impact earnings)? And share examples of your previous work outside of Envato. Etc

It won’t guarantee for approval, you may still get rejection for the WordPress version.

Thank you for your answer,

  1. Indeed I have WordPress Themes on other Marketplaces. Here are the links to consult them: Dora: Dora - Sommet: Sommet .

  2. My account will host the theme because one of the objectives is to build my portfolio at Envato.

Thank you for your answer. Of course, however I think that we should still try. Also if you have other solutions to propose to me, I am interested.