I need someone to create a restaurant finding app for me.

Hi there.

I need someone who can create a restaurant finding app for me on a budget, perhaps you have already created a template for this and we can build on it. I might prefer this for budget reasons.

I’d like to discuss user interfaces and usability as well - And I can also design in photoshop/illustrator.

So this is what I’d like the app to do.

  1. Open app on phone - splash screen appears
  2. Immediately it shows a loading screen saying “locating nearby restaurants”
  3. It used GPS to locate restuarants that are listed on our database
  4. It displays them in a list, arranged by distance (so in other words, nearest shop first, furtherest shop last)
  5. It also allows users to sort by rating instead of distance (ratings will be done by app users)
  6. If a user clicks on AwesomeFoodShop - it opens a quick profile for the restaurant with photos (by us) with info, ratings, and comments (by users)
  7. Users have the option to “Go” to the restaurant via Google Maps (is this possible? to select “Navigate with Google Maps” or Apple Maps.
  8. After 3 hours or so, the app notifies the user “Did you enjoy AwesomeFoodShop? Please rate!”

That’s it

So we would need a backend system to add resturants and photos and moderate comments etc.

At a later stage we can give restaurant owners access to interact and respond to comments.
I’d like to monetize at a later stage by letting the app send notifications like “La Italia is having a special today on Lasagna and wine, click for more info”

For filter system, I’d like people to be able to filter by distance, rating, name, and late hours shops.

Again, I’m looking for someone to work with on this, not someone to handle it entirely.

I would need iPhone and Android versions but Android for now.

Hi. I’m down with your idea. I know there is ready script that we can use. Will be reasonable price for you. Contact me here: nhampt@qsoftvietnam.com


I can help you with i phone App.
Please revert if you are interested.

You also can mail me at ishan@chetaru.com
or can discuss it live on skype and my skype id is chetaru11

Thank You

Can you email me please, when I try to use the contact form on the website, it says “Validation errors occurred. Please confirm the fields and submit it again” - but I filled out everything.



Sorry for the inconvenience, We have recently re engineered our website due to which our clients are facing such issues. Today it will start working again and you will be able to submit contact form.
For now please share your email address or just drop me an e mail at ishan@chetaru.com to bring this discussion to the next level.

Thank You