i need advices about rejected Blogger Template

I hope you help me with some advises about my Rejected Blogger Theme.

Rejection Message:

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Xûrek - Food & Recipes Blogger Template” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

Demo: http://xurek-template.blogspot.com/

Thank you in advance.


Thanks for asking your question at Envato forum.

That’s really true that your item isn’t ready for themeforest.
Envato are accepting unique & aesthetic design for themeforest
Your design quality is starting level need to improvement on your design & your item typography is unexpected something …

Try to make more unique & aesthetic.
Study & Research about Envato themeforest template design

Best Regards

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Thank you for your kind reply,

Can you guide me to the minimum requirements for a blogger template?
Can i improve this template, and re-submit it ?

Best Regards

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