I’m looking for a React Native template for recipe application

Hi, I want to buy a Native React theme to build a complete cooking recipes application
It must have everything, frontend and backend.
It should have a registry of users, and they can connect with other users who have the application to share recipes.
I have knowledge in javascript, but I’m new to React Native, I hope it’s easy to customize.
Thanks, I hope you can help me.

CodeCanyon has some recipe apps but I highly doubt you would find that out of the box.

If you have a sensible budget then you could look at www.studio.envato.com

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Thanks for your reply. I’m not looking for free templates.
I’m willing to pay for the issue, maybe I did not ask the question in the right place, or maybe I did not formulate the question well.
You can help me ?
Where should I ask the question?
Thank you

there are these https://codecanyon.net/search/react%20native%20recipe%20app
But I would still imagine that they will require further customisation, and depending on how you plan to use it and your budget then it may be better to have the whole thing custom built

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For you, which is the best and the one that most resembles what I need?
Thank you

Only you can answer that by looking at the demos. It’s worth looking on the right-hand side of item pages to see when items were created or if they have a rating etc.

I still think anything is going to require some fairly costly custom work to get it to where you want but some of these may at least get you started.

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For any sort of customization’s, modifications and enhancements into the system it depends at your plan to use along with budget. So if you are really looking forward to have it done at most cost effective and affordable price then please drop me an email so i we can get started.

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