I have changed domain and I don't have The 7 plugin license

I have changed domain and I do not have The 7 and WPBackery plugin license.

When you buy a theme you have a user license and a license code. When changing domain it tells me that the theme has been manually deleted because it is not the original website. But the web is the same, I just changed the domain.
I bought the item, what can I do?


for solving purchase code or item license issue will need to get support from the item author. They (author) are the right team to help. you can contact item author through item comments page or author profile page or best option is through item support page.

How to contact an author to get support or for any technical query:


Thank you very much, it is already solved. This is what they told me:

Hi, The purchase code you’ve provided is registered for: https:domainexemple.com/ Please use the manager: https://my.the7.io/ And de-register your theme from incorrect domain. After that, you should be able to register it on the correct domain.

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