I don't want to make my country visible

Could you move ‘Learn more’ to a different location? Or just replace it with question mark right after ‘Power Elite Author’?

It looks good overall. Here is my suggestion. There is an empty space after the number of purchases for the featured file in the profile page. Can you guys put the rating of the file or a Purchase button [see image below]? It is a waste of space!

Looks better now.
It would be also great to show overall rating for the author or it would be useless ; because for a customer it’s impossible to know the true rating of an author. For example, an author with a 3,51 overall rating and an other author with a rating of 4 would display exactly the same star graphic on their profile page (which is not “right” kind of information and can be irrelevant) @smlparry

With the current structure, that star graphic on author’s profile page says simply NOTHING about author rating. If that was your purpose (for various reasons), then it’s “ok” ; but if not, it needs to change. @StevenScott99


No space, in my opinion it looks more than perfect!

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Why to add something that affect the authors? Sometimes, even if you provide great support you’ll always have bad ratings, based on expired support, customers that ask for custom work and so one. The overall rating can be seen in every item, at the end of the day, that is what matters not the total of all your items. Sometimes you have a good item and sometimes you have a bad one. I’m not talking about me (total 4.6), in generally.

When you’ll move to WordPress category, you’ll understand.
Cheers :slight_smile:

Surely you have valid points too. I completely understand your points, friend. Ratings can be very frustrating sometimes…

Just an example…: We’ve had a 1 star rating for what? “Your help documentation are too detailed. Should I really have to read all of it???” :smiley: this is a true story.

And it’s for me really amazing to see that people are still buying from those authors who have an overall rating of 3 - 3.40 + with their comments sections full of complaints from purchasers… They still sell but how? This is a real phenomenon to me.

Coming to the categories, I really understand your point there too ; each section has their own difficulties, and simply there are no easy categories here. ThemeForest is not an easy place Whether you’re producing PSD or WordPress or even a simple comingSoon page (Surely I am not comparing building a ComingSoon page with WordPress ; I respect the hardWork you put in your work, friend)

Yes, I know a WP theme ( Kat** ) with more than 700 purchase with a total rating of 3, the author does not provide support for a few months now, the theme doesn’t work, but the theme has at least 1-3 sales / day. Yes, unbelievable!


Hahahaha :slight_smile: :smiley:
Believe me I see your pain, friend.

I received a 1 star, because I don’t have a forum :))
Another 1 star only to reply more faster to the ticket support “I¡se sent you a ticket support 2 hours ago, reply ASAP” :))

Cheers :slight_smile:

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