how to update enfold theme

Hello… I have purchased and installed in Enfold theme in WordPress and have also populated the ‘Themeforest Username and API Key’ fields… But it does not seem to auto-update the theme… I have downloaded the entire theme and I’m unclear about how to update it… I also have a child theme… please advise! thanks!

Hi @nulrick,

Have you tried with Envato Market WordPress Plugin:
Envato Market plugin helps customers receive updates to their premium Themes & Plugins purchased through Envato Market (ThemeForest & CodeCanyon).
Please make sure you are using the latest version Envato Market plugin.

Envato API personal token:

You can generate Envato API personal token here . Please make sure you set required Token permissions. It may prompt you to sign into your Envato account

Before you create a new token the following 3 permissions should be selected from the list of permission available on the Token page.

  1. View and search Envato sites (checked by default)
  2. Download the user’s purchased items
  3. List purchases the user has made

Hope this will help you.


Here are the methods available to update the Enfold theme:

Double-check that the API key and ThemeForest username are entered correctly under “Enfold > Theme Updates” in your WordPress dashboard. If it’s still not updating, you can manually download the latest version of Enfold from ThemeForest and upload it via FTP. Make sure to update the parent theme without overwriting your child theme.