How to install Educator - University & School Education Elementor Template Kit?

I want to install Educator - University & School Education Elementor Template Kit.
According to this link:

I need to go to Wordpress Dashborad, Plugin, Add New, enter: Envato Elements.
However, after that, I can only find: Envato Elements - Photos & Elementor Templates.
Is this one equal to Educator - University & School Education Elementor Template Kit?
If no, I can’t find any Envato Elements product.
I want to try you product but Wordpress Plugin Add New doesn’t show it to me.
How can I buy you product?
“Educator - University & School Education Elementor Template Kit.” - the name is very long.
I am not sure whether it is the same as “Envato Elements - Photos & Elementor Templates”.


check this


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